With nearly every nation in the CIS or FSU or – or whatever it was called that year – with nearly every former Soviet Union state swiftly incorporated into the global central banking nexus, it was no coincidence that the Philosopher Kings’ march through the central banks turned next to those parts of the world where usury was prohibited. This new chapter in the End of History would take a lot of war, and a lot of war would cost a lot of money, and that lots of money would start adding a lot of trillions to the national squandering. And there wasn’t a lot of time to collect up all the central banks before the hyperinflation kicked in.
By the end of 1989 the neoconservatives were in full control of both the National Security Council and the Council on Foreign Relations. They alone chose the quantity, means, and victims of America’s new financial jihad. So following in the footsteps of 1983’s crushing victory over Grenada, America launched Operation Just Cause a mere one month after the fall of the Berlin Wall. This invasion of Panama was billed as a big boy’s game of Hare and Hounds but was really a test case of the first foreign military foray absent the traditional Soviet repercussions, and it passed with flying red, white, and blue colors. Outside of the inebriated Soviet grumblings and a strongly worded United Nations condemnation, nothing happened. And those crickets were a green light for global war and the unhindered spread of “Freedom”.
Hi Mom, We’re #1 was back with a vengeance. And it was all thanks to the smashing success of that smash hit television series The Ronald Reagan Show.
Next up for annihilation came the rogue asset Saddam Hussein. For nearly eight years during the 1980s, Saddam was under contract to the United States battling Iran in a bloody and strategy devoid spectacle where there weren’t enough virgins in Jannah to satisfy the needs of all the newly minted arrivals. It was a war for war’s sake, a senseless stalemate where over 500,000 martyrs were conjured up for no reason.
Saddam hadn’t received anywhere near the American money promised him in payment for prosecuting this proxy war with Iran, and Iraq had racked up over $130 billion in dollar denominated debts to procure the military equipment needed to prosecute The Reagan Revolution overseas.So to absolve much of that unpayable debt, in 1990 Saddam invaded his primary creditor Kuwait and personally ordered newborn babies thrown out of incubators and into the streets. As the Kuwaiti military fled, the Iraqi army looted Kuwait while its wealthy citizens frolicked on their annual London summertime holidays.And Kuwait’s sizeable Palestinian and Bangladeshi slave laborer populations got liberated.
But up to that point Iraq hadn’t yet gotten the “Freedom” treatment because the neoconservatives needed a permanent foil stuck in the exposed side of Iran. So the Iraqi army was merely expelled from Kuwait by American forces during 1991’s Operation Desert Storm. Saddam Hussein was left in power to menace Iran another day and was handed a $200 billion war reparations bill – much of which went to the already wealthy Kuwaitis to buy them a new Mercedes Benz and pay off their London vacation homes. The sizeable Palestinian and Bangladeshi populations were rounded up and those who were not hung or beheaded got re-enslaved. But both Iraq and Iran’s central banks held firm and independent. True mission was not accomplished as the neoconservatives had to change direction to make sure these nation state Frankensteins of their own making never again escaped the castle.
This First Gulf War proved that the pace of traditional mechanized invasion and its heavy dependence upon intractable logistics was excruciatingly slow and there was a critical milestone to meet before the hyperinflation kicked in.It worked great as far as the squandering went. But some new form of rapid mobile ruthlessness was needed that used fewer resources, spread those resources across multiple fronts, and was so vicious it precluded all external meddling that might discover its true origin and purpose. The CIA had previous experience here going back to 1979 when it successfully armed and organized illiterate goat herders living in the graveyard of civilizations and turned them into the moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers.So the reliable and field experienced CIA got the nod once again.This time not to knock off some recalcitrant generalissimo, but instead to ignite multiple religious and ethnic conflicts across the world that drew in the entirety of those societies, devolved those nations into anarchic bloodbaths, and recruited from the most vile and psychopathic ranks of mankind.The CIA constructed nothing less than a modern day crusade under the Black Flag of nihilism masquerading as holy jihad.
In one of the great ironies of the 20th century, the CFR got the NSC to get the CIA to arm and subcontract so-called Islamic fundamentalists on a mission to destabilize the Muslim world so the Philosopher Kings could force unhindered usury into it. The Philosopher Kings would now fundamentally transform the Islamic fundamentalist world.
And thus the nihilistic Black Flag World Tour kicked off in 1990 with a warm-up performance in the center of the Sahara Desert where the Tuareg Rebellion left around 10,000 dead across five African Sahel countries. Next up came a 1991 gig in Somalia which eventually led to 550,000 casualties, partitioned the country into four governing regions, and delivered the potential for up to four new central banks to be acquired by the nexus should significant mineral resources ever be discovered there. Then a 1991 short set against Saddam Hussein didn’t get Iraq’s central bank but did leave 180,000 dead and over 2 million people displaced. That was quickly followed by the Sierra Leone Civil War in the same year where the Islamic Temne people fought for control of the country’s blood diamonds using child soldiers on drugs that left 200,000 dead.
The Black Flag World Tour continued with 1991’s Algerian Civil War that introduced a new supporting act – the Al Qaeda Band - in a brutal conflict that lasted a decade with over 150,000 dead but no central bank for the nexus.The Black Flag next visited Afghanistan in 1992 where that civil war’s fight to the death not only determine who would possess all the goats, but also expelled the Soviet influence and killed around 27,000 people but lost the opium trade for the CIA when everyone started to take that sharia law seriously.The Afghan show then left to visit neighboring Tajikistan where its 1992 civil war claimed another 150,000 lives and displaced 1.2 million people, but the country got “democracy” and then went and did what it wasn’t supposed to do and voted in a return to Soviet influence.

The CIA took most of 1993 off after it brought a few of the Black Flag World Tour roadies stateside for technical support roles in the original World Trade Center bombing. That mission proved how easy it was to import patsy actors into the United States at a time when most of America had its guard down and was busy partying like it was 1999.
The Black Flag World Tour made yet another go at a battle hardened Saddam Hussein with its 1994 Kurdish Civil War that led to 8,000 dead and split off enough Iraqi territory in the north, that had enough oil in it, to form a new quasi-central bank that drained off all the quasi-national revenue from all that semi-state controlled oil production. Around the same time the Black Flag was flown over Yemen with about 10,000 dead and little notice from the world as all of 1994’s wars got overshadowed by all the “Freedom” NATO delivered to the Balkans at the height of its multiple conflicts that killed about 150,000 people and successfully splintered five new central banks to the nexus from what was once the WWI relic Yugoslavia and its single sovereign central bank.
But the Black Flag World Tour began to wane when it went up against real mechanized military might in its initial grab at a slice of Mother Russia’s real estate in 1994’s First Chechen War that, when combined with 1997’s Second Chechen War, saw some 240,000 dead, a tough Russian victory, and no new central bank on ceded and oil rich Russian soil. These two wars sapped most of the energy out of the Al Qaeda Band that had been sustained to this point by the invigorating easy death and chaos of its early tour dates. Those Chechen wars also drained the Black Flag World Tour’s finances so in 1996 the Black Flag was hoisted once again over Afghanistan because - possession of all the goats did not cover the bills for all the off-book black ops like a reestablished opium trade would cover. That Afghan show failed to connect with its target audience of homicidal goat rapists, and as the CIA’s Arkansas international port-of-entry cocaine revenue dried up as Colombia mopped up its cartels, the Black Flag World Tour fizzled out after a handful of low attendance shows in Yemen (1998, 1,100 casualties), Kyrgyzstan (1999, 1,200 casualties), and Dagestan (1999, 2,750 casualties). Then there were the two 1998 brief and unexpected appearances at the American embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam. The Al Qaeda Band, in low spirits and with its funding depleted, suspended its cooperation with the CIA and headed down to Sudan where it would await remobilization by the divine inspiration handed down to them from the Philosopher Kings.
The neoconservatives could only watch in dismay as the 1990s rolled along and delivered all chaos and no order - and above all, did not deliver the quantity of central banks needed to complete the weave of the global central banking nexus. NATO had done a better job at delivering central banks to the nexus but it had run out of Balkan peoples to balkanize. The CIA strategy of subcontracting psychopaths for the job of creative destruction had decisively proven ineffective at delivering central banks over to the nexus. On top of all this, the former Soviet Republics and even Mother Russia herself were tiring of the hyperinflation and economic collapse from within as their citizens began to realize that, despite all the hamburgers and rock ‘n roll and blue jeans dangled before them, the western promise was an empty one save for those few chosen ones selected to pillage their nations on behalf of the central banking nexus.
But from these initial failures the better class of criminals did figure out that, to get their New World Order and complete the central banking nexus, what the world needed forced upon it was not just plain ol’ democracy, but Crushing Democracy. Id est, the entire world needed to be “fundamentally transformed” into a uniform democracy with central banking characteristics. The entire world needed “Freedom”, and its central banks freed from independent and sovereign control. And “Freedom” demanded a democracy that was stubborn and obdurate, self-righteous in the extreme, unrelenting in its self-righteousness, byzantine in its workings, and viciously unyielding when protecting its self-interests. The world needed a “Freedom” where no citizen dare protest the lies, corruption, absurdities, and violence flowing from the pursuit of Freedom’s voracious single aim to devour the entire world. A democracy was required that characterized disagreement and non-compliance as sedition, vanquished opposition absolutely, and negated inquiry into its workings, methods, and motives. “Freedom” demanded a Crushing Democracy that ultimately drained the esprit de corps out of its citizens where they no longer dare participate in either civic discourse or public affairs. A Crushing Democracy where its subjects came to fear and regret the mention of “Freedom”. What the world needed forced upon it, whether it wanted it or not, was none other than a totalitarian democracy driven by a sacred Tyranny of the 51% where everyone was all in it together.
And the neoconservatives would set to create that world where one man’s freedom became another man’s destiny. Humanity would be condemned to be free. A New World Order of unrestrained freedom for the Philosopher Kings who would do as thou wilt. A world where the remaining uninitiated and unilluminated mass of profane humanity was left disorganized and distracted within a conjured world of financial feudalism.
That Crushing Democracy required a leadership of nothing less than master criminals who would overcome themselves to be reborn as super criminals. And super criminals could not rely on psychopaths alone to complete the weave of that global banking nexus. The super criminals had to draw from none other than the reliable and obedient ranks of unilluminated red blooded Americans to head off to foreign lands and get the job done for the Philosopher Kings. Because – what red blooded American could say no to more democracy?
To get that Crushing Democracy, several countries first had to get a visit from “Freedom”. And it would be no coincidence that wherever “Freedom” rang, there resided an obstinate central bank not yet controlled by the global central banking nexus. But some great event, something on a monumental scale of a super crime pinned on a super patsy was needed to steal the sunshine, pull the American peoples’ patriotic puppet strings, and get them to stop partying like it was 1999 and unquestioningly start fighting the enemies of both opium and usury.
And that which can be conjured into existence can just as easily be conjured away into Nothingness and establish the zeitgeist that would end the American stock market fueled block party by starting the fight to end history.
The 1990s dotcom boom had delivered unprecedented amounts of fast, easy money into the hands of uninitiated Americans who in growing numbers had used their gains to acquire some level of financial independence and self-sufficiency. This new 1990s breed of internet entrepreneur did not necessarily follow in the Yuppies’ Gucci loafer footsteps. They didn’t always seek status through blind consumerism. They were not so laser fixated on stepping over others. They weren’t always obsessed with climbing some corporate ladder so they could consume more stuff and project more status. They didn’t wear Izod Lacoste and didn’t necessarily play squash. The new breed often wore blue jeans to the office, drove a seven year old car, and did not necessarily pile their capital gains into the dumb and entrapped 401ks. And worst of all, they did not necessarily finance their major purchases and for the most part lived within their means. They were just too busy building up their empires of code blocks to pile up the bills to appear successful.
And like his predecessor the Yuppie, this internet entrepreneur couldn’t create a damn thing either except one particular commodity the Philosopher Kings craved – personal information. Gigantic, ever flowing streams of the most private, revealing, and compromising information that naïve and trusting dumb fucks just willingly threw into the digital machine. Thus the 1990s internet entrepreneur’s true mission was to put in the hard labor and establish the groundwork for the zeitgeist that emerged from the coming great super crime. And with this internet entrepreneur’s mission accomplished, the Philosopher Kings no longer needed him to manage their nefarious creation and now needed a means to place the entirety of the www apparatus into the hands of the initiated chosen ones. And only the equivalent of a financial neutron bomb would get that www apparatus out of the hands of the profane world and into the hands of the initiated.
The internet entrepreneur would soon have plenty of time on his hands because there was a critical banking nexus deadline to meet and that Crushing Democracy wasn’t going to spread itself. So the Philosopher Kings set about to end the financial party, beginning with one last big Y2k software splurge that saved civilization from a calendar date programming bug and kept airplanes from falling out of the sky. Next, the start of the millennium was brought forward a year early without anyone noticing and for one night, everybody partied like it wasn’t 1999 anymore. A few weeks later, the Federal Reserve raised interest rates just before a business media saturation campaign hit the television screens screaming about all those profitless internet and communication companies where only weeks earlier that said same media screamed at everybody to buy stocks in these same profitless companies. That was just prior to a tax day deadline that ensured massive selling to cover taxes on any remaining capital gains in a fast declining market and – poof! In just a few weeks the NASDAQ went from record highs to the party’s over.
But before the Philosopher Kings crashed the NASDAQ they hadn’t quite yet finished driving the nails into the coffins of the productive class and they were determined to bury those resilient Joe Six Packs that somehow managed to remain viable. So Congress passed the Immigration Act of 1990. Originally touted as bipartisan efforts to reduce job stealing immigration, this act more than doubled the number of visa-based foreign workers legally residing in the United States between 1990 and the summer of 2001. Now foreign welders, machinists, electricians, and even truck drivers could saunter over the international welcome mat along with all those aspiring jardineros in search of mas dinero. The act performed as intended because by 2001 what used to be dependable summer employment for millions of American teenagers became the permanent domain of foreign born adults, ensuring yet another hapless generation was created that could create nothing. Young people’s idle time became more and more filled with video games or the despairing cycle of hard drugs and a fashionable anti-fashion grunge music. By the summer of 2001 nearly a million American jobs were legally handed over to foreign nationals invited to reside and work within the United States.
People began having to press 1 for English. There had to be a fluid excess labor pool ready to replace all those red blooded Americans who went off to fight the coming Endless War for control over all those central banks.
The next body blow to the productive class came in 1994 with NAFTA - originally a Ronald Reagan production from his 1979 presidential campaign platform. This “free-trade” treaty got paid for with the destruction of an additional 850,000 American manufacturing, assembly, and packaging jobs displaced across the borders into Canada and Mexico. NAFTA was the coup de grâce for the Rust Belt from which it never recovered. It plunged much of the rural Pacific Northwest into a hand-to-mouth economy using environmentalism to shift the entire North American lumber industry into Canada, whose Pacific Southwest shared the same environment but somehow those environmental concerns mysteriously vanished north of the border. And NAFTA led to the corporate takeover of farming in Mexico, driving down raw agricultural product prices to the point where millions of rural Mexicans could no longer scratch a meager existence from their small plots, so many headed north across the southern border to try their luck at landscaping.
What has always been sold to the American people as “free-trade” is instead just the voodoo economic theater that justifies shifting American labor inputs – i.e., jobs - into foreign lands where the cost base is cheaper and labor inputs can be paid for with money that is even more counterfeit than the pretender king dollar. The lofty language of television analysts and learned explanations of The Economic Science™ are just spells cast over the American people – spells to elevate “free trade” to the sanctity of “democracy” and “freedom” and “equality”. Ask any random American if they support “free trade” or “democracy” or “freedom” or “equality” and they will invariably give a categorical and effusive “yes” to any and all words in the American sacred pantheon. But ask that same random American to define these sacred words, and one is met with perplexed stammering and timid hesitancy. He cannot define what he decisively supports - and that is the purpose of the spells cast over the nation. That is how one can determine if they have been bewitched, when they cannot explain that which they profess to believe.
The Philosopher Kings elevate words of their choosing into this sacred pantheon, and these words have their own occult meanings known only to the initiated. But as these sacred words cannot be defined by the random uninitiated American, these sacred words can mean anything at any time to the whole of profane society – it is only a matter of rearranging the spells to achieve the intended meaning. Thus what today is sacred “democracy” becomes tomorrow’s Crushing Democracy, and the American people are none the wiser and invariably give their categorical and effusive belief to a sacred Crushing Democracy. Society cannot escape these sacred words because it cannot escape the spells because it cannot escape the media from which the spells emanate. So long as the majority of society – even the slimmest of majority - is affixed to the means of sorcery, society at large exists in a state of possession. And a possessed society devolves into a Tyranny of the 51% which at that point becomes a reliable tool of the Philosopher Kings who need only conjure the spells that drive society to destroy its self and usher forth the End of History on autopilot.
A sorcery saturated society operating under the façade of “democracy” cannot be anything other than a tyranny. It lacks the collective discrimination, intelligence, and foresight to be anything other than what it becomes possessed to be. Thus as society is compelled, coerced, mandated, and conjured into actions it does not choose of its own volition, it exists under tyranny’s fist, regardless of how soft and supple the velvet glove such tyranny wears. This is why a “democracy” combined with ubiquitous mass communications is so crucial to achieving the End of History and concurrently is so inimical to the prosperity and fortunes of the productive class. The media casts the spells that push society towards an increasing destruction that feeds off its shrinking creations until one day nothing is created and the entirety of a desperate society turns to those who have the ready-made solutions - the inevitable and long planned communism by other means.
This “free trade” is not so much about maximizing profits, but rather more about ensuring the useful stuff, like food and televisions, stays cheap so that what remains of the American productive class keeps producing and doesn’t down tools and revolt. “Free-trade” is in reality not global economics, but domestic political control. That control, where things are bad but not yet wholly intolerable, is what enables the conjuring and squandering that drives up the cost of everything else and enriches the conjuring class while the productive class toils to keep the wheels from falling off society so the conjuring and squandering can continue. And why would any conjurer invest dumb money at home on productive infrastructure when smart money can just buy and distribute, on credit at low interest rates, the cheap foreign stuff and sell that on credit to the productive class at high interest rates? So “Free-trade” is an essential tool for pacifying the productive class as the conjurers destroy it through never ending policy blunders, legislated theft, and taxation burdens that would amount to unequivocal failures if ever assessed via the clear lens of classical economics rather than through the smoke tinted glasses of The Economic Science™.
By the summer of 2000, the neoconservatives had figured out that neither large scale mechanized warfare by itself, nor sadistic anarchic butchery alone, were going to complete the weave of that global central banking nexus. They had spent nearly 6 years carefully studying the failures of both Gulf War I and the Black Flag World Tour before releasing their 1997 blueprint for total global “Freedom” – their Project for the New American Century. If the American people could be deceived in both heart and mind to voluntarily serve as a proxy army for the Philosopher Kings, that global central banking nexus weave stood a good chance of getting woven before the hyperinflation kicked in. And what if that large scale mechanized warfare and that sadistic anarchic butchery were combined where the Black Flag was sent ahead of the Stars and Stripes on a faux-jihad that just begged for a visit from “Freedom” and a prime-time televised mock liberation? Could the American people just sit there and watch their televisions while kindergarteners got mustard gassed and even more babies got thrown out of incubators? It was just a matter of conjuring up all the enemies of usury into the readily identifiable and stereotyped comic book absurdity single arch-enemy of America.
And these super criminals were going to needed some super conjuring to pay for completing that global central banking nexus weave. So Congress passed the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999. This bipartisan treachery eviscerated both the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 and the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956. Now the American banks, as corporate agents of the privately owned Federal Reserve System – itself an agent of the Philosopher Kings ensconced within the City of London Corporation - the American domiciled banks were unleashed to buy up and control any and every phantom asset that existed. And they would legally do so using not only borrowed money, but now they were free to surreptitiously “borrow” and squander mom and pop’s retirement account, uncle Fred’s annuity, the next door neighbor’s common stock holdings, the corner shop’s bank deposits, that $25 certificate of deposit you gave your niece for Christmas, and all forms of other peoples’ money that were unfortunate enough to fall into their venal possession.
The special trick to this feat of super conjuring was the massive issuance of derivatives. Hitherto unimaginable volumes of derivatives producing super profits generating super tax flows from the capital gains spigot into the grasping hands of the Machine. But not just any ol’ garden variety Black Monday derivative. These derivatives could be backwardated, collateralized, counter-partied, hybridized, hypothecated, re-hypothecated, and securitized. Unfathomable amounts of debt could be conjured but the inflation could still be suppressed – for a while – if and only if an even greater amount of domestic labor inputs could be offshored to generate the additional dollar denominated foreign exchange revenue needed to buy even more Treasury bonds. And if and only if there was some great excuse for reducing interest rates to nearly zero. And if and only if the uninitiated American people were so distracted and fearful and preoccupied that they could never noticed the tricks played upon them. And if and only if the nasty tricks of the past were transformed into a fantastic evil joke could the sorcerers pull it off.
And suddenly all the televisions appeared.
They just started appearing everywhere. Airports, banks, office tower lobbies, gyms, workplace lunchrooms, the dentist’s office. By the summer of 2001 places where one never thought needed a television for no reason whatsoever got a plasma screen HDTV hanging from the wall. It was odd too, because after the NASDAQ crashed there really wasn’t much news worthy of mass saturation dissemination. The latest weight loss fad, sport ball scores, yet another Brittany Spears exposé, some fireworks factory blew up somewhere – that was the best the television networks could conjure up in the summer of 2001. And every one of those televisions were tuned to the same few channels broadcasting the exact same programming format – a never ending procession of talking heads. Babbling, giggling, chortling, beseeching, and then cue the deadly serious about the inane and pointless. Vacuous emotional highs and lows for no reason. Not one Gilligan’s Island rerun to be found anywhere within the American public space. All “news”, only “news”, all the time, all of a sudden, and everywhere all at once.
And what was so incoherently strange was the mass compulsion that drove so many people at the same moment to experience the epiphany that a random blank wall suddenly needed a television. So much collective effort expended to ensure so many people, all at the same time, wherever they were, whatever time of day, saw what was on those television screens. And nobody bothered to ask – why? Quid consilii? The best explanation the American public could muster back in the summer of 2001 was a snide comment about a conspiracy theory to get everyone to download yet another mp3 file Brittany Spears song. Maybe they were putting something in the water, I don’t know…
And then there was that global central banking nexus that wasn’t going to weave itself.