The Killing Joke - Chapter 13 of 25
I’m a dog chasing cars. I wouldn’t know what to do with one if I caught it.
As 2014 rolled into existence, the combination of non-stop televised terror on foreign soil, then .gov terror on Homeland soil, and then The Hope and Change Show had pacified the American people to the point where they no longer presented a credible threat to the global End of History project. The neoconservatives now deduced that the shortest path to that End of History passed straight through Ukraine into the exposed underbelly of Mother Russia. It was now Russia’s turn to get her inevitable visit from “Freedom”. But to get to Russia’s heart, the spear had to first be thrust upwards through Ukraine. And that spear would come once NATO established its bases along the Dnieper and expelled both Russian nukes from Crimea and navy from Sevastopol.
Russia’s role in the neoconservative’s End of History endeavor had not gone well as of late and the Philosopher Kings were not pleased. It had started off smashingly well back in 1991 when the neoconservatives installed the suicidal drunkard Boris Yeltsin as President of the Russian Federation. Boris went straight to work dissolving the Soviet Union, dissolving its military, selling state assets to Nexus agents at kopeks on the ruble, and set about to bankrupt the fledgling Russian state. Yeltsin had in only seven years “reformed” what the Soviet Union had taken seventy-two years to conjure up into a world industrial powerhouse out of nothing more than agrarian feudalism. By 1998, Yeltsin had destroyed the Soviet fiat empire and produced a Russian state tottering on failure that was almost ready to be delivered up to, and devoured by, the global central banking Nexus.
The Soviet fiat empire was over. The pretender king dollar reigned supreme and unopposed over the world’s commodity trade. All that remained now for the Nexus was to lay claim to that shell of a once formidable fiat empire and strip it bare of its natural resources until nothing remained but an economic desert littered with empty vodka bottles.
But for unknown reasons, be it a crisis of latent Orthodox conscience or the narcissism of legacy, Yeltsin turned to a career KGB apparatchik to devise a plan to first stave off the immediate threat from the Chechens and their CIA benefactor, and later, the wider ubiquitous threat from the global Nexus. And this KGB agent had friends in the former Soviet Ministry of Finance who understood the monetary predicament Russia faced and knew how the Nexus worked against it. And on the last day of 1999, while the West partied one last time like it was 1999, Yeltsin resigned his Presidency and handed over the impossible Russian mess to his little known forty-seven year old prime-minister Vladimir Putin.
And this new Russian acting President went straight to work doing the exact opposite of what the hired consultants from The Economic Science™ had advised his finance ministry to do. Mother Russia would not conjure herself into a deeper financial morass from which she could never escape, but instead began the long and arduous process of producing her way out of her quandary. And she had a tremendous amount of surplus useful stuff to export like oil, food, and natural gas that could kindle demand for her failing currency and pull her from the brink of economic and existential oblivion.
Yeltsin’s resignation had been wholly unexpected and took the Nexus by surprise. It was not prepared for the upcoming June 2000 Russian presidential election without its dependable and pliable drunkard in office and there was little time provided to implement the neoconservative election playbook. Not enough televisions went up on the bare walls of public places within the major cities. There was no time to market test a revolutionary color scheme yet alone foment some kind of revolutionary fervor. The slogans were hurried and didn’t quite translate well into Russian. The western promise of hamburgers, blue jeans, and rock ‘n roll for the masses fell flat. There was inadequate time to really crank up the Second Chechen War. And a desperate CIA even called up the Black Flag to bomb residential apartment blocks killing hundreds across Russia, which instead of destabilizing Vladimir Putin’s fragile administration, such bloodletting only served to bolster his security and civil order credentials given his proven hard line with the Chechens. The neoconservative response was too little and to no avail. There wasn’t enough time to get the election fix in. And come to find out, the Russian people liked their boiled cabbage.
The peasant residing deep within every Russian could not be emotionally dissociated from the soil that so many millions had died defending. And the neoconservatives would never come to understand that. Not for hamburgers, not for blue jeans, and not for rock ‘n roll would they give up that soil. The western promise was destined to fail in a land soaked for centuries in the blood of her patriot sons.
The neoconservatives would never understand that Russia was not a Homeland, but was instead a Motherland. One can have several homes at various times in one’s life, but can only ever have one mother whose life and honor he will defend to his death. So the western promise was discarded and violence was now the answer.

After Vladimir Putin’s election victory, the neoconservatives did everything possible to humiliate him at home and on the world stage in their bid to effect his ignominious ouster and grind Mother Russia down for good. They sank the Kursk. They killed scores of Moscow’s business and social elite at its opera house. They filled several of the former Soviet Republics with military bases using the Afghan war as an excuse. They endlessly vilified him in the western press and scorned him on the international scene. They murdered schoolchildren in the Caucasus. And yet the Russian people elected him again in 2004. And again in 2008. And again in 2012.
In a strange twist of unintended economic blowback, Vladimir Putin’s rise and Mother Russia’s survival was a product of the American post-9/11 money printing ad infinitum. Endless War couldn’t be funded by Chinese, Japanese, and dirty knees US Treasury purchases alone. So all the extra money printing began to drive up the global cost of basic commodities that Mother Russia produced plenty of and had lots of surplus left over to trade. But with the hyperinflation clock ticking down on each unrecoverable hour of the End of History project, the neoconservatives rushed the Russian takedown scenario analysis and had relied too much on “democracy” and hamburgers. They failed to identify all of the unknown unknowns and the consequential outcomes of all that endless money printing to fund their Endless War. They hadn’t quite considered all outcome permutations before they commissioned The Osama bin Laden Show.
So if China was the War on Terror’s biggest winner, then Russia was its greatest survivor. Had the neoconservatives waited just a few more years to begin the Endless War, the totality of the Russian economic collapse would have been irreparable and pushed her over the finish line into the End of History and into the dustbin of nations.

After 9/11, the thing that basic commodities no longer had in common was that they were no longer cheap. Dynamite, gunpowder, and gasoline – all had begun to appreciate in price. By rushing into the final lap of their End of History project, the neoconservatives had inadvertently lost control of one of the Philosopher Kings’ most effective financial conjuring weapons – the suppression of global commodity prices. And that real price discovery would later reveal the true social, political, and economic costs of conjuring prosperity out of thin air as opposed to producing it with sweat, risk, and worry.
If only the neoconservatives had run all the scenarios and bided their time. Before 9/11, oil prices were hovering just over $21 a barrel. A Troy ounce of gold was below $300. A ton of rebar was only $200 bucks. A bushel of wheat barely fetched $2.50 and a bushel of corn $1.80. A metric ton of sunflower oil was lucky to sell for $335. It was a mugs game producing useful stuff back then and Russia was stuck as the world’s mug as her entire economy had been tooled to supply herself and her former fiat empire with useful stuff in exchange for rubles in the communist version of the Virtuous Cycle. And she had run a fairly conservative fiat empire back in the Cold War good ‘ol days and could not conjure anywhere near to the abilities of that Ashkenazi genius emanating from The Economic Science™. And now she was reduced to the state of just another IMF bag holder, full of untapped wealth and brimming with latent potential but yet directionless and wallowing in semi-poverty where the entirety of her collective endeavor went straight into debt service.
Russia was bankrupt and staring into the abyss of the End of History, and the abyss was staring back at her. Her credit rating was destroyed. She had limited foreign export earnings that went straight to serving Nexus held debt. She had burned through her lines of credit. Her foreign exchange reserves were depleted. Her national economy had devolved into waste and graft. And she would have been doomed by default had the neoconservatives let events quietly run their course.
But then it dawned on the Russians that the best way to survive the game was to develop their own brand of The Economic Science™ which was more aptly termed The Economic Practice™.
And Russia played smart and played for time. She kept her ruble float in place after Yeltsin’s resignation, and its devaluation made foreign imports so expensive it kept local industry afloat and Russians employed. She focused on social welfare at home rather than starting wars abroad. The ruble’s devaluation made her exports cheap and kept demand for her flailing currency alive. She paid back her IMF loans without a roll over using export earnings and that kept “Freedom” held at bay. Much of Russian day to day commerce resorted to barter and that bypassed her Nexus controlled central bank’s skimming operation.
Russia did not conjure her way out of her financial mess. She worked and wiggled and suffered and produced her way out of it.

With Yeltsin’s ascension, the Nexus had finally exorcised the ghost of Stalin and 1946 to fulfill the Rothschild ambition of taking full control of the Russian central bank. As the new millennium arrived, that acquisition was pregnant with expectations of stripping Mother Russia naked of her bounty and plunging her people into abject poverty and the End of History.
For the next several years after 9/11, the Russians played the Nexus like a balalaika. MinFin under Vladimir Putin’s leadership was in no hurry to pile up US dollar debt and pimp Mother Russia out to the global central banking nexus.It did utilize its Nexus controlled central bank from time to time for sporadic debt issuance and to raise foreign exchange, but it did so just enough to keep from aborting the bank’s pregnant expectations. After the Endless War began, the rise in commodity prices brought in enough foreign exchange via the production and export of useful stuff that Russia did not have to rely on conjuring to keep a façade of an economy up and running.Gradually, by 2014 the Russian state had re-established a real economy that made lots of useful stuff for both domestic consumption and export abroad. And that real economy was now strong enough to let the Nexus controlled Bank of Russia wither on the vine, with debt issuance responsibilities taken over primarily by MinFin.
The Russian real economy was growing and it had largely bypassed the global central banking skim, and that posed an existential threat not only to the Nexus, but to the Philosopher Kings themselves. This situation had to be contained before it became infectious and such recalcitrance could not go unaddressed. So by 2012, the early banking expectations had gestated into miscarriage and the Nexus set about to destroy the ruble. They threatened to remove it from their BIS basket of reserves and issue no SDRs to Mother Russia. They gather up a few billion rubles at a time here and there only to dump them all at once into the currency markets. They sought to fuel inflation and hardship. They promised to cut Russia off from SWIFT if it didn’t get with the End of History project. They manipulated ruble exchange rates and charged exorbitant fees to convert it into other Nexus currencies.
But every Nexus ruble devaluation ploy was effectively nullified when the Russian Ministry of Finance purchased large quantities of gold to rebuke these devaluation efforts. Every time the Nexus got up to its monetary tricks, the Russian countermeasures strengthened her currency. And just as important as those gold purchases, Russia stored her gold at home and did not play the mugs game by handing her bullion over in trust to the likes of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. And she undertook a methodical expropriation campaign to regain control over those state enterprises that had been sold off to chosen Nexus agents during the Yeltsin “reforms”.
Russia had put to work magnificently the combination of barbarous relic and a production economy and it was on display and working for the whole world to see.She didn’t need the pretender king dollar to buy imported hamburgers when she had all the cabbage she could want, and now there were extra turnips. The Economic Science™ had no answers to The Economic Practice™. The New World Order conjuring could not last if pitted against Old World real economics producing useful stuff bought with money backed by gold. Gaddafi had learned that lesson and Vladimir Putin had vowed not to fail the same tutorial.
The new Cold War lines were drawn, but not along competing political ideologies nor dueling fiat empires. On one side of that line stood the global central banking nexus and its conjuring economy, and on the other side stood the productive economies and their healthy balance sheets. The Nexus had its weapons of debt, inescapable propaganda, and ICBMs all poised and ready to bring about the End of History and the debt enslavement of the world. The productive economies had their weapons of gold, useful stuff, the global need for their useful stuff, and an opposing arsenal of ICBMs all diametrically poised to ensure that history progressed unabated.
And if either side were now to resort to their plentiful nukes, it would bring about not so much the End of History, but usher in history’s reset. So at the beginning of 2014 the global central banking nexus faced a threat that was not based so much upon Mutually Assured Destruction, but rather Mutually Assured Renewal. And the world at all levels – economic, social, political, and spiritual – was reaching the point where it could not go on further as it had without a fight to determine once and for all whether mankind’s future lay with the End of History, or whether history’s fate lay with mankind and it would continue same as it ever was until the next time it could not go on further without a fight. The Philosopher Kings and their nukes did not want renewal, and the Russians and their nukes did not want an end to history.
The lather, rinse, repeat of history was ready for its rinse cycle.

Every corner of the world would be forced to choose a side just like after Khrushchev announced in November of 1956 that Russia would bury the west, and in doing so destroy King Dollar and blanket the globe with communism and the fiat rouble. But the roles had reversed, and instead of reaching the End of History through revolution and the eventual peace brought about through the utopian merger of capital and labor, the End of History would be delivered through the global central banking nexus via Endless War and a mushroom cloud. And Russia had experienced full well along that old road to the End of History what this new road portended – pogroms, Holodomors, gulags, world wars, and non-stop deprivation upon the masses of the world. She had not watched 60 million of her sons expire since 1917 without learning something along the way.
But the neoconservatives had learned a hard lesson from their unpreparedness with Russia’s 2000 elections and weren’t going to make the same mistakes when they turned their special attentions to Ukraine. There was ample time to implement the playbook for Ukraine’s 2004 elections. The ubiquitous televisions went up early and everywhere in the major liberal cities. The revolutionary color scheme was fully market tested. The western promise of hamburgers, blue jeans, and rock ‘n roll reached and sank in to the young and impressionable. The neoconservatives didn’t start a new civil war or crank up an existing one. The CIA did not bomb residential apartment blocks. The media response was slick and well-polished. There was enough time to get the fix in using the standard operating procedures. And hamburgers won out over boiled cabbage where “democracy” delivered over to the Ukrainian people a Tyranny of the 51% and a new central bank play toy for the Nexus.
But those hamburgers appeared only in a select few major Ukrainian cities (limited time offer while supplies last) and couldn’t make up for all the economic stagnation and malaise resulting from the Nexus looting and pillaging of the national productive infrastructure after the Orange Revolution took control. The inflation rate was so high no one could afford those hamburgers and so it was boiled cabbage same as it ever was. And no extra turnip to boot. That is why the Nexus oligarchs consolidated and tightened their grasp over the Ukrainian media complex and the national message ushering from it. State industries got sold off to Nexus agents at kopiyky on the hryvnia. Once tasted, the Orange Revolution turned out to be sour.
So in 2010, enough was enough and despite the best media production efforts American taxpayer money could buy, boiled cabbage defeated hamburgers and delivered a new boss to meet. This fresh Tyranny of a new 51% was born when Ukraine elected a President and parliament with aspirations of economic re-integration with Mother Russia and its growing post-Soviet real economy. And in 2014, that president refused to sign off on the Nexus crafted NATO Trojan Horse contained within the European Union Ukraine Association Agreement.
The tipping point had been reached.A successful Russia that publicly thumbed her nose at the Nexus would be tolerated no longer. The only logical neoconservative solution now to the perplexing Russian dilemma was more violence.And this time there would be ultraviolence.
By the end of 2013 the Nexus finally understood it wasn’t going to get a color revolution out of Mother Russia. And Vladimir Putin had long ago employed a food taster. So there were only two options remaining. The first option was to just assassinate Putin and let the CIA bribery and election rigging programs fill the power vacuum and unleash the decaying forces of liberal democracy upon an ultraconservative and Orthodox Christian Russian society. The second option was to re-establish the Nexus capture of Ukraine and activate its political sleeper agents who would ethnically cleanse the country of Russians and invite NATO to establish military bases along the west bank of the Dnieper River. With NATO dug in on Russia’s doorstep, the Nexus could expel the Russian nukes in Crimea and navy stationed in Sevastopol and set the stage for a Shock and Awe ground invasion straight into Moscow to claim her central bank and bring the world to the precipice of the End of History.
The neoconservatives decided upon the second option. But instead of calling in the Black Flag for another gig, they turned instead to the contingents of disaffected Ukrainian neo-Nazis that the CIA had carefully cultivated since the fall of the Soviet Union. And where every dog has his day, the neo-Nazis’ day had arrived in November of 2013. Together with the international press, the neo-Nazis came for the ultraviolence and descended en masse upon Kiev to perform their noisy and fiery but not peaceful Maidan Square anti-government television spectacle. But unbeknownst to the participants, the ultraviolence was ready and waiting for them, and their big coming-out party was merely cover for a false flag sniper operation that claimed many sacrifices to the greater good of the End of History project, and it was all performed before a live studio audience. The international press followed its script and placed the blame squarely upon the shoulders of Ukraine’s boiled cabbage faction. And that blame fueled a nationalistic anti-Russian surge throughout Ukraine amongst the jackboot fence sitters and ethno-centric sympathizers.
Diversity would not be Ukraine’s strength. The country that Khrushchev cobbled together in 1954 would be cleansed of ethnic Russians.
But these standard issue neo-Nazi martyrs were themselves a diversion from the underlying primary seek-and-destroy mission carried out by squads of elite CIA trained über-Nazis. Their mission was to find and attack those democratically elected boiled cabbage politicians who stood in the way of an ethnically cleansed Ukraine and a NATO path to the Dnieper. They accomplished their mission after so many boiled cabbage politicians fled Kiev in fear for their lives that the hamburger party was able to muster a parliamentary quorum absent of almost all opposition. The half-empty parliament then “democratically” overthrew Ukraine’s 2010 democratically elected government, because it’s technically not a coup d’état if it’s wrapped up in the technical trappings of “democracy”.
The Ukrainian neo-Nazis were out of the woodworks, fully energized, and everywhere running amok amongst the eight and a half million ethnic Russians who were about to meet the ghost of Stepan Bandera. Ethnic Russians were rounded up and burned alive in Odessa. The Azov Battalion became the law of the land in Mariupol. Young Russian men disappeared off the streets of Kherson never to be seen again. And the Ukrainian military was mobilized and descending upon two of her nation’s three most heavily Russian oblasts - Donetsk and Luhansk. The ethnic Russians of Ukraine were on the ropes and the western world was laughing at their deadly predicament.
Mother Russian was done playing for time. She had finally recovered from the collapse of the Soviet Union and the reign of the Nexus puppet Yeltsin to reach the point where she could now play for keeps. So in March of 2014, to the shock and awe and miscalculation of the neoconservatives, Russia invaded and annexed Crimea. She kept her nukes there out of neo-Nazi hands. She kept her navy berthed in its only remaining warm water port. And she gave protection to the Crimea’s 1.8 million ethnic Russian inhabitants who faced an uncertain future under neo-Nazi “safety patrols”. Russia had done the unthinkable – she had attacked the Nexus’ interests, shown that the neoconservatives were not invincible, and demonstrated to the world that there was a chance that history would continue.
The neoconservatives quit laughing. Russia would never get hamburgers, blue jeans, or rock ‘n roll. Because on the day that Russia annexed Crimea, the neoconservatives decided there would be no more Russia.
So the neoconservatives responded as they do – they rained blood upon the lands of those who would not submit to the Philosopher Kings and their End of History project. They ordered the Ukrainian army to attack the ethnic Russians in the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts. The pretense (they always need a pretense) was that the Russian population had staged “insurrections” by seizing control of government infrastructure in a desperate bid to protect themselves from the neo-Nazis in their midst and the Ukrainian artillery heading towards them. The Ukrainian army arrived and dug in for several hundred miles up and down the Donbass and began to indiscriminately lob artillery into the ethnic Russian cities, eventually killing 14,000 ethnic Russian men, women, and children. And the neo-Nazis stepped up their kidnap and disappear campaigns along the Black Sea coastal cities with an efficiency that rivaled the best work of the NKVD.
And then on the late afternoon of July 17th of 2014, the neoconservatives got him.

Or so they thought.
The 6th annual BRICS Summit had ended the day before and Vladimir Putin and his team departed Fortaleza, Brazil aboard the Russian presidential aircraft heading northeast back to Moscow across the Atlantic Ocean. Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 took off from Schiphol, Netherlands a few hours later heading east-southeast non-stop to Kuala Lumpur. Both aircraft possessed similar exterior markings, and both were expected to pass through the Donbass airspace at approximately the same time. But only one aircraft would remain airborne to complete its journey.
The neoconservatives had been waiting for Putin and they had to get him. Russia had been sapping at the Nexus’ Achilles heel – its fiat money empire. And who better to know about the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of a fiat money empire than those who had lived through the collapse of their own nation’s fiat money empire? And these Russians understood that as the pretender king dollar collapsed an alternative exchange medium would deny the Philosopher Kings their End of History. An alternative exchange medium would give the BRICS – and the world – some breathing space to figure out not only how to stave off a global currency collapse, but a collapse of world trade and its concomitant multi-societal collapse. The BRICS had to be stopped or the hyperinflation would begin before the End of History had begun. The Russians had to be taught a lesson and the world had to be shown what happens to those who stand in the way of the End of History.
But the Russian presidential aircraft landed in Moscow without incident. Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 and its 298 passengers and crew did not land in Kuala Lumpur. Within hours, the world conclusively knew that MH17 was shot down by a Russian Buk M-1 surface to air missile. The world knew that because an Associated Press “reporter” on the ground claimed to have observed a Buk M-1 launcher a mere 16 kilometers from the Flight 17 crash site. This “reporter” was also very specific to include that the launcher was operated by a man with a distinct Russian accent. And just like that, those 298 dead people were all Vladimir Putin’s fault. Everything from that day forward standing in the way of the End of History was Vladimir Putin’s fault.
Vladimir Putin had become the arch villain of the world. He was the new and improved Osama bin Laden As Seen on TV!
The Russians knew from their own experience that a global financial control system in the form of fiat money, approaching the terminus of its unnatural life, could operate on nothing more than pomp, threat, and even more desperate conjuring.And as the fiat money died, it would give the world even more bombs, bullets, and boots on the ground in a futile bid for immortality. And that is why the neoconservative agenda was cultivated post-WWII and surreptitiously attached to The Ronald Reagan Show foreign policy bandwagon. The Philosopher Kings also knew that all fiat money has a built in self-destruct mechanism.Once universal inflation rages across the global stage without an alternative medium of exchange, the system eats up more and more productive endeavors to pay itself interest so it produces less and less stuff of benefit to those locked within its grabbing hands. So a global shortage of useful stuff emerges that requires more and more conjuring to summon up more and more bombs and put more and more boots on the ground in more and more disparate places to keep the floundering global system going. Inevitably, the system conjures up nothing but inflation masquerading as growth which magically churns out more and more “wealth” into fewer and fewer hands. And those hands don’t put their “wealth” back into productive endeavors, but instead put it back into conjuring up more “wealth” for themselves because it in turn fuels more inflation which generates more “wealth” into even fewer and fewer hands as The Economic Science™ wins another Nobel Prize for their discovery that the bulk of humanity can now be erased from their calculus.

Eventually all the financial conjuring leads to the singularity event where only a few corporate entities control all the world’s “wealth”. Communism is achieved in reverse by other means. In this reverse communism, it is not the state that holds in trust the collective asset base on behalf of the people, but is rather these corporations that hold a private and internationally dispersed asset base in mistrust of the people on behalf of those world states caught and held within the Nexus. The people of these states become irrelevant as “wealth” is now wholly generated and sustained not by productive endeavors, but by inflation. The Nexus states become subservient to the interests of these corporations, the states begin to function in ways inimical to their people, the purpose of the state as a framework for societal function becomes immaterial, and eventually the existence of the people residing within the Nexus state becomes problematic.
So when a few corporations control all the world’s financial “wealth”, and that “wealth” is perpetually grown and sustained by inflation, and the spell holds strong over the populace, global communism takes effect. But when the nation states of the world begin to serve these corporations and not their people, and global trade grinds to a halt as it is no longer needed to sustain debt creation and the inflation that flows from it, the communism has given way to globalism. It is here where only the global flows of fiat money transfers between a few corporations become the purpose of every Nexus nation state. And once the world is globalized and a handful of corporations own every exabyte of that “wealth”, and nothing real or of utility is exchanged between nations other than binary data sequences over satellite communications, the world is ready for the abolition of these inefficient, inconvenient, and bothersome nation states and must be prepared to pass through the gate of world government.
But if only a few corporate entities control all of the financial “wealth”, it renders their “wealth” worthless as for anything to have value it must be exchangeable for something else of value as inherent in its perceived utility. If no one has any money to buy anything, and all the corporations have been gobbled up into a few über-corporations, there is nothing left to buy up any financial “assets”, so there is no demand for “assets” and true price discovery is revealed – $0. Thus the spell breaks and reveals that financialization is the Road to Zero, that point where all “value” is worthless and nothing of utility remains because money now only creates more money. It was towards this point of collective zero net present value that the Soviet Union found itself in 1989 as it’s fiat empire collapsed, but the huge quantity of still useable stuff lying about, combined with the availability of an alternative exchange medium, pulled them away from that entrance into the gateway of globalism that they had prematurely found themselves standing before alone.
Globalism can brook no escape mechanism, and the Soviet Union fell before it had been fully incorporated into the Nexus. But the road leading to the End of History is meant for all to travel upon. Every nation of the world must be on that road and in it all together before the entirety of the world can be pushed through the five successive gates. And that is the reason for the push for world government – to more easily and efficiently push the entirety of the world into its destruction without having to resort to the ICBM failsafe. Because when the ICBMs are released and everything is utterly destroyed all at once, history does not end, but is rather reset to begin anew its insane progression in its new season of a comedy of eternal recurrence.
Vladimir Putin did not divert from this road to globalism. He merely stepped back from its entrance gate so to strengthen Russia for a larger role in it.
What the Russians were really after was time. Time was crucial to setting up the escape mechanism – that alternative exchange medium that globalism could not brook - and giving the world an extra few decades with a reset back into fractional reserve banking before that too reverted into a conjured fiat and another race against hyperinflation. Russia had set to methodically reclaim her monetary empire while playing for time as the American system imploded around her. Russia had the world’s second largest unmined gold resource and could buy that time as they knew how time worked when playing the inflation game with only pure fiat money at its disposal. The Russians had recognized that the American conjuring had reached the point where it started to devour the global productive means and they had decided not to be devoured by the pretender king dollar. And for that the Russians, and especially Vladimir Putin, had to pay the price for their evangelical campaign of monetary epiphany to reveal to the world why the Nexus would not outlast the coming hyperinflation of its own creation. Every day revealed that The Economic Science™ would be helpless to contain that pure fiat hyperinflation. It was time for the world to run to the monetary exits before it was destroyed by hyperinflation, total war, and the societal collapse that inevitably follows the end of trade.
It was time for the world to escape the uncontrolled collapse and be put on the path to its controlled collapse. And the BRICS would put the world on that new controlled path.
The BRICS trick was no trick at all however. It was just the same old tired capitalism connected at the hip to centralized control over fractional reserve banking with some gold and digital technology thrown in. There would still be a Bank of International Settlements. The old SWIFT would just be replaced by the new SPFS that did the same thing but with a fully relational underlying architecture. But what made the BRICS so dangerous was it openly challenge the reign of the pretender king dollar, before the world was set before the gate to globalism, and that forced the pretender king’s neoconservative enforcers to answer the challenge. But then nothing in global finance happens without the approval of the Philosopher Kings, and what the BRICS manifestation demonstrated was that the Philosopher Kings had set their system upon its self to enact the Monetary Assured Destruction as prerequisite to the End of History. The Philosopher Kings had split the Nexus into competing parts, because every yin needs a yang.
So once the battle was complete and only one remained, and all the currency blocs in the world were placed into a single basket, why expend so much effort to collapse each currency bloc when one could just set the basket alight and destroy all escape mechanisms at once?
The BRICS plan was to simply create a new Nexus to replace the old Nexus. They promised that this new Nexus would conjure at a reduced vigor and produce more useful stuff. And at first it probably would do so in order to draw in more converts from the old Nexus. But this “new” system represented nothing more than a global financial back-peddle to the halcyon days of fractional reserve banking with hyper-centralization. The world would still be ruled by bankers. There would still be armies of lawyers working for the bankers. The courts would be just as byzantine as before. And the bought and compromised legislators of the “sovereign” nations would still take their commands from lobbyists hired by bankers. And those top bankers would still report to the Bank of International Settlements. And that Bank of International Settlements would still be controlled by the Philosopher Kings.
Same as it ever was.
Scratch below the veneer and one discovers that the Russians were merely wiggling in on a bigger seat at the table of the House of Basel. They weren’t revolutionaries looking to bring down the corrupt old system. They were looking instead to facilitate the overthrow of the pretender king dollar’s Strategic Drawing Rights and secure a larger slice of the old corrupt system for the ruble. And they could not pursue this policy unless they had been granted permission by the Philosopher Kings to unseat the pretender king.
The global financial system was putting up the “Under New Management” sign in the shop window. But the former shop manager would not accept his termination. And that was the plan all along.
The BRICS solution to the End of History was to just set the hyperinflation clock back a few decades. They were not eliminating its threat, just delaying its manifestation long enough to negotiate more favorable terms. Their “new” system issued no gold or silver coinage and it still operated on socialized inflation through paper currency devaluations. The inflation would still destroy the purchasing power of the productive class and drive up the value of “investments” for the conjuring class. Both the interest rate and price of credit were still controlled by bankers running each nation’s privately owned central banks. And the owners of these privately owned central banks in the “new” Nexus also owned the “competing” central banks of the old Nexus. The national treasuries of this “new” Nexus, acting as instruments for the privately owned central banks, would still hoard all the gold on behalf of the Philosopher Kings. And with all the gold locked up and out of circulation, there could be no reversion to the natural human state of mercantilism where inflation was controlled by supply and demand and the risks associated with the issuance of credit rested squarely upon the owners of the liens. Usury would still rule the world, debt would still enslave it, and the Philosopher Kings would still control all the levers that put the world under its control.
Same as it ever was.

The American theater that originally brought the world The Hope and Change Show had shut down to prepare for its next major production as audience enthusiasm had waned earlier than market research had projected. So an unanticipated new show was required to drag the world into the End of History, but the American theater’s aging writers, producers, and actors had lost their magic touch over the long years of success. The younger writers, producers, and actors being brought to the fore – many of whom were the progeny of the old theater troupe - were full of hubris, marginally competent, and unable to generate the production quality required to summon up a convincing spell lasting longer than a single season. To push the world into the End of History would take one production after another and if any one production failed, the spell was lost forever. And that potential failure had to be covered by sideshows ready and waiting in the wings to become next season’s smash hit. And so the Philosopher Kings commissioned the creation of the BRICS as their End of History Plan B.
The American theater and its conjured illusions had continued so long as it was profitable to continue the illusion. But by 2014 the point had arrived where the illusions had become too expensive to maintain. So the Philosopher Kings took down the scenery, pulled back the curtain, and moved the tables and chairs out of the way to prepare for their next production. And for a short time, the audience could see nothing but the brick wall at the back of the theater. That was a most dangerous time for the world, this interval between major productions, for the longer the audience stared at the brick wall, the less it was inclined to believe the wizards whispering in their ears that they were really staring at a shining city upon a hill.
Time was running out to get the next production up and running. The spell had begun to wear off and there were few left capable of effectively casting the next one. The people had begun to stop working for a freak. The hyper-inflation was scratching at the back door insisting to be let in.
Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock…
Upvoted and restacked because the history and writing are very good. The conclusions are dubious, at best.
Kudos to the author - but there's a limit to my reading endurance. :)
Some very insightful observations and opinions. However, in all these perspectives - here and other sites - there seems to be a missing piece. While I have archived some of this author's previous posts in this series in DaLimbraw Library - frankly, trying to keep up with everything is impossible these days - I sense a similar pattern. Specifically - WhoTF are DaPhilosopherKings? Why not spell them out?
A hint - -
a list of headnotes to articles on DEEP STATE DSOS from DLL.
Requires reading - sorry!