But then America went and selected him.
Something about 2008 was seriously off. Half of the country could sense it despite the thick fog of the Great Recession and the nascent realization that Endless War was indeed endless. Things seemed to move linearly too easily. Hastily assembled solutions appeared too well-crafted. Crises that spawned solutions had a sense of contrivance. Solutions were seldom related to the original crises. Proponent and opponent worked too closely in unison. Struggles appeared choreographed, where the losers lost too graciously and the winners were never surprised they win. Emotions on the street did not match the ebullience and optimism gushing forth from the television screens. Words of honey were dripping everywhere, but life on the ground had the guttural feel of being trapped within a grand Richter experiment. The sunshine had all been stolen. Nobody partied like it was 1999 anymore.
And it wasn’t just him. It seemed as if wherever America looked for direction, there was a cut-out “leader” on the television, conjured up from that Hollywood basement promising to “save” everyone but always at a steep price. Leaders whose speeches were too well rehearsed and always delivered before a unanimously approving audience. Leaders with no past other than a slickly crafted Ken Burns montage. Contrived leaders with no real world experience, who never held a real job, but who possessed impeccable credentials and rock solid references. Leaders of no accomplishment but with an array of testimonials and tremendous television savvy. The type of leader who produced nothing but a conjured Hope and Change. A professional Mesmer who the Philosopher Kings could depend upon to make just enough Americans feel good about ad infinitum debt and ad absurdum war. And all it took was enough Americans to believe the show because a Crushing Democracy only needs a Tyranny of the 51% to go fully operational.
America was now ready for The Hope and Change Show. And Barack Hussein Obama was that special type of man for a special kind of mission.
Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation. He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the Development Communities Project in Chicago’s South Side. His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book Journeys in Black and White.
So they said. But it’s what they didn’t say that mattered most.
It was here, in 2008, that the Philosopher Kings knew their disinformation program was complete. Everything the American people believed was false. The sorcerers had convinced America that man had walked on the moon. Everyone thought Fort Knox was full of gold. They convinced the nation that Osama bin Laden did 9/11 and was still alive. They had hoodwinked the world with a mass deception that Saddam Hussein was hoarding weapons of mass destruction. And now they had gotten him elected, so any thing and every lie was now possible given that the correct spells were adeptly cast. The previous fifteen year obsession with a digital world and its complete capture had finally paid off and made this moment possible. The Philosopher Kings no longer need rely entirely upon prisons for the body, because they had finally constructed their prison for the American mind.
Barack Hussein Obama was just Caucasian enough to be trusted. He was just Negro enough that no one dare subject him to critical scrutiny. He was the perfect political halfrican. He could play both Pied Piper and Magical Negro. He was the quintessential ambiguous personality that always elicited the credulous benefit of the doubt. And he was the right combination that the Philosopher Kings could wield in a Crushing Democracy to push the End of History down that final stretch and over the finish line.
And this Magical Mulatto’s special mission was to unleash the full potential of those super criminals who had long ago been quietly embedded within all of America’s institutions, patiently awaiting their summons to tighten the Gordian knot of debt, war, and Crushing Democracy to the point where it could never be unraveled.Every aspect of American life was weaponized and aimed at the productive class.Invisible agents of control were emplaced everywhere and within everything.Long held American traditions and mores were erased and replaced with fabricated pointless rituals. Degeneracy was emboldened and brought out of the shadows. The American experience transformed into an inescapable labyrinth of bureaucracy growing more convoluted and byzantine by the hour.The entirety of religion and entertainment were commandeered to serve the state – a state which now existed to serve the formation of a more perfect union in line with the self-evident truths and inalienable rights of not the American people, but to instead serve the Philosopher Kings and their Nexus.

And despite that instant Nobel Peace Prize, the Endless War World Tour train kept a rollin’ all night long, all over the world. It didn’t miss a beat despite all the Hope and Change back in America. And absolutely nothing changed as the band rocked up and delivered one big gig after another in Somalia II (2009), Nigeria (2009), Kyrgyzstan (2010), Tajikistan (2010), Egypt (2011), Syria (2011), Lebanon II (2011), Somalia III (2011), Libya I (2011), Iraq (who’s counting now - 2011), Mali (2012), Yemen II (2012), Iraq yet again (2013), Libya II (2014), even more Iraq (2014), Yemen III (2014), Tunisia (2015), Mozambique (2017), and Iraq for the nth time (2017).
But when “Freedom” rang at the gates of Belarus (2006), Moldova (2009), and Mother Russia herself (2011), the babushka hit the petulant CIA salesmen with her broom and ran him off her front porch. That wasn’t supposed to happen. Something in The Company playbook had misfired. The simulations had all gone according to plan. The neoconservatives had ensured beforehand that all the televisions went up. The pliant media oligarchs were all in place and primed with bribes. The program format had been market tested. The colors selected for each revolution had been put through culture specific market research. The placards and banners were printed and distributed. The agent provocateurs had performed their nightly duties and on script. Double patty hamburgers, even louder rock ‘n roll, and pre-washed blue jeans had been promised to everyone this time to no avail.
But the heart of the Orthodox world was a hard spiritual nut to crack. And its soul was even harder to get to. Come to find out, the Orthodox world liked its boiled cabbage. It didn’t want to party like it was 1999. Its circumstance of geography meant there was little sunshine to steal. And its circumstance of history was that no matter how many got killed, it was still left standing.
And that visit to Mother Russia was when we learned they really did hate us for our “Freedom”. There was still a part of the world remaining that would not work for a freak. And the Philosopher Kings would have none of it.
But the agents of the Philosopher Kings had cooked up a new secret weapon that needed a beta test before going fully operational back on Homeland soil.

Television ratings for The Osama bin Laden Show had been steadily slipping since Hope and Change arrived, so in May of 2011 the series had one final dramatic episode. After 10 terrifying and riveting seasons, Osama and his cast of wacky islamists were abruptly cancelled. In fact, television and its influence had been in decline ever since the introduction of the DARPA social media platforms. But all the media shared on those social media platforms – like pictures of what one ordered at a restaurant for dinner and silly cat videos – those sorts of images were not going to burn into the brain and mobilize a people to destroy themselves. The social milieu of social media needed to be re-engineered into something akin to destructive entertainment.
So in 2009, social media got an Arabic language version. There were no cute baby photographs on this version because all the babies were ugly. Those cute and funny cats on all the videos got replaced by donkeys. You could only post so many pictures of the falafel you ate for dinner before giving up. The same damn prayer got posted every sundown. No one flirted or sexted. It was the perfect environment for a beta test of anti-social media.
And it was a smashing success. Within months of being unleashed, non-stop video streams appeared of raging street mobs seeking blood vengeance and martyrdom. That quotidian violence soon escalated into featured videos of public beheadings and the random condemned infidel burned alive before a live studio audience. Homosexuals got thrown from high buildings and drew praise be to Allah as the dead cat bounce came. Immolations and excruciating deaths saw ever accumulating “Likes”. Death and misery were transformed into a sadistic entertainment format for the continually aggrieved. It took little to set off the programming and once it got going the insane content just produced itself. There were no “Friends” on this platform. Wherever anti-social technology advanced, blood and strife followed in its wake at a minimal cost-to-misery ratio. The Arab Spring had successfully field tested the Philosopher Kings’ new secret weapon.
That new secret weapon had been designed to get unleased upon the fringes of NATO, which had steadily devoured the eastern half of the western world with mutual defense pacts and mutually assured destruction since the fall of the Berlin Wall. But first the CIA needed to wind down the Black Flag World Tour and hand it off to Mossad for a specific mission bringing diffuse and senseless violence to the heart of the Levantine because the CIA had set its sights on Mother Russia herself. By 2011 there was enough money flowing in from Iraqi oil and Afghani opium to fund a color revolution focused on the big prize of regaining control of the Russian state. Since 2000, the Russians had let their Nexus controlled central bank wither on the vine. The state was not accumulating debt at a rate to get it anywhere near the End of History in lockstep with the rest of the global banking weave. It survived every Caucasus war foisted upon it. Each Muslim uprising got effectively quelled. And the Russians had quietly figured out how to bypass their Nexus controlled central bank to fund their state operations.
And the Philosopher Kings could tolerate that central bank bypass no longer. They had had their sights on Russia and Gosbank since the days when the communism they invented had failed to fully deliver over a defeated Germany during the Weimar Republic. But the post-Yeltsin Russian state had walked a razor’s edge regarding its financial affairs. It used its Nexus central bank to issue just enough debt to stave off a NATO invasion, but not enough debt to make the central bank so powerful it controlled the state itself. If the situation were left unaddressed, this strategy could spread to other unhappy captured nations despite the hamburgers and the global banking weave would begin to unravel. And if it began to unravel before the global hyperinflation kicked in, the window of opportunity to secure the End of History would permanently shut.
Time was even more of the essence. And the time to act on Russia was now. Tick tock, tick tock…
But back at home, Crushing Democracy was busy shoring up the American people for their coming blind date with the End of History. The Philosopher Kings had now set their sights on simultaneously crushing both Russia and those last remnants of the American productive class. And it now had carte blanche as the nation fell under the spell of the Magical Mulatto, a trance where Hope never demanded an explanation of exactly what kind of Change would follow in its wake.
So during January of 2010, Crushing Democracy raced out of the blocks and got the big one out of the way first. The United States Supreme Court suddenly discovered that corporations were people too. Moreover, this newly minted race was entitled to all the rights and privileges contained within the 1871 Constitution of the incorporated American state. Henceforth, some of that global money churning through the War Machine’s theft, graft, and opium operations could get laundered through foreign banks, re-domiciled into the USA, and directed into the expansive network of Nexus controlled NGOs and super-PAC propaganda mills spreading their inalienable and undifferentiated message of “Freedom” to the American people. Hundreds of millions of squeaky clean blood dollars now flowed in to ensure mom and pop “freely” chose the correct version of “Freedom” from a vetted selection of “options” that were market tested and delivered pre-packaged every night on the Six O’clock Evening News.
And “Freedom” had to ring louder and louder as the undercurrent of doubt and misgiving brewed within the heart of the nation’s 49%. Brand A and Brand B now required those hundreds of millions spent by a communications army that tirelessly and vigilantly protected these two brands from the ever present menace of an emerging Brand X.So “Freedom” rang and rang and rang 24/7 from every television, from every handheld device, from internet news websites, from unsolicited emails and phone calls, from uninvited text messages, from print media, and from radio.And every time “Freedom” rang it had the identical tone, the same resonance, an indistinguishable pitch, and duplicate timbre.

Then came the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010. That legislation set in motion the inevitable implosion of the American healthcare system and medical insurance industries, and it pushed the productive class closer to the precipice of financial extinction. This Act created a new “tax” on being healthy, young, self-employed, and productive to backfill the unsustainable losses accumulating within the nation’s hospital system. Those losses had grown from the state mandated “Duty of Care” obligations that extended medical treatment to sick and unproductive indigents, prisoners, homeless, criminals, psychotics, and illegal aliens with their litany of common ailments like drug overdoses, drunk driving accidents, suicide attempts, knife wounds, and gunshots. Mom and pop didn’t have to read the bill to find out what was in it once they bought that bronze policy and quickly discovered the whole shell game was about transferring healthcare costs for the swelling ranks of sick, obese, and 74 IQ poor and unproductive members of the dependent class onto the broad, healthy shoulders of the shrinking productive class.
And there were secret weapons of Crushing Democracy sprinkled and hidden all throughout the 1,080 pages of indecipherable “health” legislation. The new tax on mom and pop ensured a domestic business that dared to grow could never expand beyond its 49th employee without facing a million dollar regressive decision to either subsidize medical insurance for 50 employees, or outsource production to China or Mexico and keep that million dollars. And mom and pop needed that extra million dollars to comply with an ever expanding onslaught of weaponized OSHA and EPA regulations aimed specifically to drive them out of business and transfer both production and profits to China so it could buy more and more US Treasury bonds and keep the Endless War bankrolled.
So the government fucked around and mom and pop found out that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was not only a cost transfer shell game, but also a domestic production annihilation instrument because mom and pop did not buy US Treasury bonds with their profits like China did. Mom and pop put their profits back into their business. And the Philosopher Kings would have none of that.

Next up the 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act dragged mom and pop down into the deep-end fleecing that would follow all future bank bailouts. But Congress got the name wrong and it should have been called the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Protection and Consumer Reform Act. So when the investment banks all go bankrupt again and the FDIC runs out of money again, mom and pop’s commercial bank deposits get seized by the banking regulators for the greater good of filling a “liquidity hole”. But in return, mom and pop receive common stock shares in the resurrected zombie bank, which mom and pop and everyone else are forced to sell because no one has any money as it all got seized to give to the banks. The frenzied bank share selling drives the bank’s market capitalization towards zero again in a matter of weeks. Mom and pop’s bank goes bankrupt again and the money they got from selling their bank shares - money they deposited back into the bank - gets seized again. The zombie bank gets re-resurrected and re-recapitalized, and mom and pop receive more bank shares again that they and everyone else sell immediately, again driving the bank’s market capitalization to zero again. And so on and so forth until the End of History is upon them.
But mom and pop can rest assured that the liquidity hole got filled (temporarily). Their seized money bubbled up to the almighty derivatives, patched over the systemic risk (for now), and kept the insurance providers solvent (for a while) that kept the bond markets humming (a little bit longer). And without that bond insurance, the continual issuance of debt ad infinitum would grind to a halt and create a liquidity hole that needed even more filling. Because, liquidity holes are insatiable. So in the convoluted logic of The Economic Science™, seizing mom and pop’s money to fill liquidity holes ensures that mom and pop’s money doesn’t get seized to fill liquidity holes.
Give that Ashkenazi genius of The Economic Science™ another Nobel Prize.
And so with enough banking industry bankruptcy iterations, mom and pop are eventually deprived of their property and wake up homeless and bankrupt on the continent that their forefathers conquered. The banks not only seize all their money, but seize their home when mom and pop can’t pay the mortgage because the bank seized all their money for the greater good of that liquidity hole. But Crushing Democracy had prepared for that day when lots and lots of moms and pops have finally had enough of first inflation, then deflation, and finally the banks and corporations that have grown up around them.
So in preparation for that day, Crushing Democracy crafted Section 1021 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012. Now, when lots and lots of moms and pops take to the streets after a bankruptcy iteration too far, with the stroke of a pen at the bottom of a financial emergency declaration, by the magic of the Patriot Act, mom and pop get legally defined as financial “terrorists”. And suddenly, mom and pop learn who rules over them when they find out at the stroke of a baton to their head who they dare not criticize.
With that single executive signature, moms and pops everywhere are identified, profiled, risk ranked, prioritized, selected, hunted down, gathered up, and sent to the Walmart command and control center near you. Once in custody they get cavity searched and processed in every way except due processed. And finally, they are extraordinarily renditioned to, indefinitely detained at, and memory-holed within one of those many supermax FEMA camps that are totally not prisons. Then comes the civil asset forfeiture, the invariable nutraloaf, the enhanced interrogations, and the sensory deprivations immediately followed by 24/7 blinding light and Skinny Puppy blasted at 120 decibels.
Posse Comitatus is no more. The Constitution is an afterthought. Everyone is on a list, the question becomes a matter of which list – the list to be picked up later, or the list to go directly to the incinerator. But the liquidity hole gets filled.
But wait – there’s more.
The legal framework cage was now complete and in place for that day when the banks need all of mom and pop’s assets, from every single mom and pop. That’s why the Depository Trust and Clearance Corporation (DTCC) was incorporated back in 1999 before the dotcom boom was intentionally busted.
The great secret the occult magic hides in plain sight over the blind pursuit of money is that no one really owns anything. The Dodd-Frank Act gave the banks legal access to pillage mom and pop’s cash deposits. The local school district can put a lien over one’s house and seize it for even trivial amounts of unpaid property tax. The hospital can charge an exorbitant price for a simple life saving operation and grind one down in the civil courts until they just give up and hand the hospital everything. Everyone knows these things, but tolerate them because there is always the stock market - that last bastion of freewheeling unfettered “capitalism” to pull one up by their bootstraps.
But with this invisible DTCC, every single publicly traded financial instrument held in electronic “trust” at a server farm is not legally owned by the “owner”. The DTCC owns everything until those things are either redeemed into cash deposits (where the banks can seize them) or converted into paper certificates of ownership. So legal “ownership” in the financialized world is just a grand illusion. The DTCC merely loans all publicly traded financial instruments to specified electronic ledgers to move about into and out of other electronic ledgers. And since these electronic financial instruments form the underlying base for all other publically traded and privately disbursed financial “assets” – derivatives, annuities, pensions, ETFs of everything, and bonds – no one owns anything. It can all just be turned off at the server farm.
With the stroke of a pen during a federally declared financial emergency, all those electronic ledgers get legally seized to fill the liquidity holes. Everyone all at once wakes up bankrupt and homeless in the land that the Nexus conquered.
Everyone is finally all in it together.
And one by one, the marshals arrive with their unexpected 4:00 am no knock raids after that bankruptcy iteration too far. Moms and pops everywhere are told they have no choice but go with the heavily armed men who deliver them over to the crowded Walmart command and control center near you.
And chances are, these moms and pops were collected up based upon information fed to the military from one of the seventy-nine Fusion Centers spread across the United FEMA Regions of America. Another gift of the Patriot Act, these Fusion Centers cobble together the various and disparate intelligence gathered by the many three letter agencies and provide a clearinghouse service to those agencies when one finds its man but has yet to show the crime. But after a visit to the local supermax FEMA camp with its indefinite detention, enhanced interrogation, and suspension of habeus corpus, it iss only a matter of time until mom and pop confessed to the most heinous intention of crimes just to make the floodlights and Skinny Puppy stop. Now the totality of apparatchik at every level of federal, state, and local government was fused to bring down the full weight of Nexus authority and impose Crushing Democracy upon the necks of anyone and everyone who dare oppose filling those liquidity holes.
And that intelligence wasn’t conjured out of thin air just yet. It was likely provided to the Fusion Centers by a foreign participant in the re-invigorated post-9/11 Five Eyes SIGINT alliance.
That 4th Amendment anachronism still stood in the way of unleashing the full potential of the Patriot Act against the American people. Despite ten years of the best combined efforts of bipartisan legislation, the Supreme Court, and Executive order, it was still technically illegal to create a crime using the old tools of tradecraft like warrantless wiretaps, mail intercepts, and evidence gathering burglaries. But the rise of electronic communications with its engineered back doors finally enabled Crushing Democracy to discover a loophole. It was as simple as contracting all illegal domestic surveillance to the other four foreign members of the existing Five Eyes alliance. Now, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand could simply access those back doors engineered into the CPUs, collect up all the “intelligence”, build the dossiers, and return the finished products to one of the many American three letter agencies. Thus the 4th Amendment was effectively nullified through outsourcing the surveillance and mom and pop were no longer secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects.
And they had to conjure 24/7 now to keep mom and pop working for a freak because by 2012, mom and pop were starting to notice. Those liquidity holes that opened up from time to time were going to get filled by hook or by crook until Endless War pushed that End of History over the finish line. And until that End of History was over the finish line, somebody had to produce just enough stuff, to keep just enough of everything going just well enough, so to create just enough of the appearance of a normally functioning American society.
And to get just enough of just enough, it was going to require a bipartisan Congressional effort, masquerading as a reform, tucked away as an amendment ensconced with the final pages of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 that got signed into law after a televised public charade of executive branch misgivings.
So with the stroke of a pen, the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 was effectively repealed. For the first time since WWII, the United States Federal Government was actively involved in the creation, coordination, and dissemination of propaganda aimed directly at the American people. And the Magical Mulatto immediately began directing those hundreds of millions of propaganda dollars flowing in from the Citizens United ruling into an all-hands-on-deck coordinated effort to keep the agents of the Philosopher Kings in power. For the first time in 65 years, the federal government could legally lie to its citizens without fear of consequence or repercussion.
Barack Hussein Obama had delivered on his promise to fundamentally transform America by transforming the primary purpose of government into a mission to protect and maintain a permanent and entrenched Nexus bureaucracy that had pledged its loyalty not to the American people, but to the End of History. He was the clear demarcation where the American government no longer worked for the people, but instead worked against it with malice and impunity. He had transformed the government into a television production company with the purpose to dig itself in even further under mom and pop’s skin to the point it became an incurable scabies. And there was nothing mom and pop could do or say about it because he was half black. He was vaguely Muslim. He was amorphously foreign. His wife was oddly masculine with all its strange implications. He was so diverse he was beyond both criticism and reproach.
The levers of power had all been pulled so that everyone had no choice but work for a freak.
Mom and pop were trapped. The End of History was closing in around them. If they said something, the full force of anti-social media immediately pounced. If they did something, they soon discovered the extent to which all levels and branches of federal, state, county, city, school district, water district, and HOA governance had been coopted into the End of History project. If they were suspected of dissent, customers dried up and business premises got mysteriously vandalized. Revolving lines of credit with their friendly local banks suddenly closed. They began to lose childhood friends over politics. They were ostracized by those neighbors who pored over their anti-social media postings looking specifically for someone to ostracize. The freaks everywhere had been empowered and were growing more powerful. The lines were being drawn. The wedge was being driven. That thin veneer of civility was being effaced with every passing day.
Mom and pop went to church incognito, and when everybody rose, the reverend Smith he recognized them, and punched them in the nose. The only way out now from the growing shadow of the End of History was no more Mister Nice Guy.
And time was running out on both sides of the End of History. Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock…
Eloquently written. Although theres something in there about one of the subjects, in the case healthcare, I always like to point stuff out on because I think it important to do so. Health spending in the USA, as a share of GDP (which is a bs number but it useful for comparing like things as proportions of total spending between coutries) we spend almost 17% of GDP whereas the OECD average is just below 10%. the ones just beneath in spending are less than 12%, so something is wrong, but Duty to Care, according to the American Hospital Association and others, and these are groups that have an incentive to give the number as big as they can because they give it looking for gov aid for it and to explain away their high prices, well, In 2020, uncompensated care costs were estimated at $42.67 billion (AHA), but the difference in share to GDP mapped to our GDP is about 1.6 trillion more than the average and about 8 billion more than the second highest spender by share of GDP, so even if theres all stuff that makes us more expensive that isnt structural corruption and we give a conservative estimate thats much lower, we'd still have some sizable multiple of Duty to Care that we're getting ripped off by. I only nitpick here and say this because I think its important and we're all getting ripped off in a serious way, if you see the bills and you think also about the big picture of how much lower taxes could be and other things that the gov could spend on and so on, its not a normal ripping off, its an exceptionally excessive and damaging ripping off
Thanks. Very eloquent.And true. I tried to express it my own way in much simpler fashion but the point is the same. Please take a look here.